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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Art classes

Hi everyone,
I am just reviving this blog.. please comment so that I know who is still following.
I am shocked to see how long it has been since posting anything here. I guess Facebook has kind of taken my time away from blogging however I really miss making my weekly posts. Just looking back and looking at what I've achieved and now thinking that I need to look forward and let everyone know what I've been up to lately.
I have ventured into the world of teaching over the past two years after much conjoling from my friends to share my skills .
What began with a handful of mature aged students has exploded to 5 classes with upwards of 50 students a week. A total surprise to me being a self taught artist and not thinking that i had much to teach. Well as it turns out I have lots of knowledge collected from a lifetime of painting and honing my skills and I must say it is such a joy to pass some of these on to those who enjoy the classes.
on top of that I have teamed up with a travel organiser to take local bus trip painting tours to local vineyards. As one thing always leads to another we have organised a painting in Italy trip next year .
Please see flyer for information .
Ciao for now

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